Discover an Explosive New Parrot Training System


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For All Parrot Lovers
Who Want A Happier, Even Hilarious Bird…

1. Yelling at your
Parrot to “SHUT UP” when it screams
2. Over-reacting and shouting “OOOH”, “AAAH”
or “OUCH” whenever it bites
3. Giving your
only seeds to eat
4. Placing the cage near the window overlooking the garden
5. Putting your
above chest level
6. Having a single perch
in your
7. Placing the food
and water bowls just beneath the perch
8. Placing your
on your shoulders…

Even if you are doing any
one of the above, you are inadvertently
snowballing bad
behavior. It’s time you correct your
handling techniques to become a perfect
parent in just 15 easy days…”

( A Parrot
Lover For The Last 12 Years)

Not even the worst blood-drawing

biters, crystal-shattering screamers, or stubborn,

party-pooper non-talkers have a chance to resist these powerful

Parrot training techniques… get your

Parrot to do exactly what you want

with ease…

All in record time!… Super easy, NEVER

using punishment!

The Really Great Part Is, Your

Parrot Will Love You More For It!

“Wow! This Stuff

Really Works…”

“In just under 2 weeks I have gone from a quivering, tearful, frustrated
bird rescuer, to the proud owner of Dylan, the
who in his own words is ‘alright’….
Thank you for your information…”
(Josette Bellham, Lowestoft, UK.)

“Your training info has done a great amount with my

My bird now is very friendly towards everybody and looks forward to
getting out of his cage and onto people’s hands.”
(Stella Lam, Danville, Virginia.)

“Thank you so much for your training info,
it has worked wonders with my
Sam, his talking has improved, and I am much more confident in handling
him and understanding him.” (Pauline Chamberlain)

were about to find him a new home. However, your techniques regarding
responding to shrieking episodes have worked. He is much more
calm and playful. His biting attempts, handled in the way
you suggest (moving into the bite) have dropped considerably, and
he is not biting as hard.” (Terry Clark, Los Gatos, California)

I cant believe it! Its already starting to work, today I
had D.J. on my hand, which he would never do, unless I had a towel
on my hand because he would bite me vicously, but… now i can acctually
hold and pet him! What a difference!” (Ashley
Bratt, League City, Texas)


book puts its ideas into terms that you can understand, many things
not thought of by the general population such as bathing, preventing
illness… useful tips about cage placement… and definite direction
as to WHAT NOT TO DO. I would reccmmend this book
to anyone interested in learning more about having birds as house
pets of any breed. (Brenda A. La Platte, Jupiter, Florida)

Dear Parrot Lover,

want to tell you a true story that’s on the edge of potentially
scandalizing you…

About 13 years ago, a good friend

of mine, Wayne, “rescued” Parrot

that showed up mysteriously on his back porch balcony one day.

He came right in the house when offered

a cracker, and woofed it down like a ravenous feathered pig…

the poor, lost fellow was obviously very hungry.

Well, Wayne, being a good guy, kept

him in the house (he didn’t have a cage), and tried to locate

the owner of the lost Parrot by putting an ad in the local paper.

Nobody responded to the “Lost Parrot”

insertion… and in the end, Wayne ended up becoming an unexpected

Parrot owner, as

he never did find the original owners.

In the meantime, Wayne named the

playful and friendly fellow “Polygon”. And to his shock, Polygon

talked… and it wasn’t just “Hello” he was saying. Polygon’s

chatting was a little more “complicated”…

“I want

pot seeds”

Huh?!… pot seeds??? Were the

ex-owners giving this bird marijuana seeds? Perhaps they were

tasty, perhaps Polygon was even getting high!? I really don’t

know, I just know that Polygon loved to say this (I

heard it myself many times).

Wayne thought it was pretty funny,

even though he didn’t smoke or drink. That is… he thought

it was funny until guests came over… then it stopped being

funny fast!

Wayne had to do some serious explaining

to his dubious, and shocked guests that HE wasn’t giving Polygon

pot seeds and getting his friendly bird drugged out!

And it wasn’t the only thing Polygon


One day when I went to visit Wayne and Polygon,
Wayne excitedly waved me over, “Nathalie, listen to this…”, he
then called out “Whoa…” and Polygon called right back…


Baby! Light my fire!”

Wayne and I laughed so hard it

brought tears to our eyes!

Polygon had just made me become

a passionate Parrot lover. I never

imagined that Parrots could be so

charming and funny, and I never really had even imagined owning


For the last 12 years, I’ve learned

A LOT about these feathered friends, mostly through the school

of hard knocks (or should I say “bites”)! I’ve gathered literally

hundreds of tips and tricks on how to keep happy and healthy

Parrots, and if you

let me, I want to share this knowledge with you to help YOU successfully

resolve any Parrot challenge you

might be facing.

I want to share with you my passionate

quest to have the happiest, healthiest, and funniest

Parrots possible!

Does this

sound like such a far away dream…

to own such a funny, talking Parrot?

Well, know that this dream is

not difficult to achieve with the right knowledge.

I mean, I too have certainly

discovered that not all Parrots

are like Polygon at first…

Are you dealing with sore, even

bloody fingers (bitten to death), ringing ears (those sonic

screams), or simply Parrot that

refuses to speak… and you have no clue why he is mute as a

fish, bites, or screams, despite your best determined efforts?

I bet you didn’t realize owning

Parrot would be so emotionally

involving, perhaps a nerve-wracking challenge, even outright

dangerous in some cases!


Parrots can BITE!!!

If you haven’t already noticed,

when some of these guys bite, they don’t mess around… we’re

talking about beaks that mother nature designed to crack open

hard nuts, or rip through tough wood. You don’t want these razor-sharp

“feathered-pruners” snapping at your soft fingers… or worse…

towards ears and eyes that look like leaves and fruit to an

untrained, frightened, or frustrated Parrot…

And when your

Parrot becomes, or IS already, a constant screamer?

Well, you already know… you’d

be better off having a 16 year old rebel teen-ager in your home,

who dreams of being a worshipped Rock Star, with his new Gibson

electric guitar, distortion pedal, 200 watt Kenwood amplifier,

and truckload of speakers… the point being…


smokes! Parrots can SCREAM!!!

You know it’s getting bad

when your guests involuntarily spill their drinks after a 80-decibel

Parrot scream,

or when someone sits down quickly, holding their heart, worried that

they may be going into cardiac arrest!

Some birds even scream at

night… talk about a sleepless, wide-awake nightmare… and

not just for you, also for your local angry neighborhood!

But I’ll leave that (hopefully) just to your imagination…

because it won’t match THAT awful reality.


enough scary Parrot talk…

I’m not here to talk you

out of getting Parrot, nor do

I want to scare you into the !TRAGEDY!

of dumping a “misbehaving” Parrot

off at the local pet shop, nor do I want to inspire the bird-brained

idea of setting Parrot “free”

at some local park (yes this unfortunately happens out of ignorance

and desperation)…

And no, pot seeds will

NOT cure your Parrot! That was just

a funny memory I shared to illustrate that Parrots can and WILL say the craziest things once they start talking.

And apart from the fact that Polygon’s ex-owners might have

been irresponsibly giving him pot seeds, he was obviously

very well treated and well trained to be such a happy and talkative


What I want to talk to

you about is a very easy way to STOP and PREVENT ANY

Alfred Hitchcock style feathered nightmare… I want to show

you how to own a loving, talking, tricking, playful, and colorful

feathered angel… like Polygon.

The good news is you really can do something

about your current Parrot situation

and improve it dramatically. You just need to understand your

little guy, and then act accordingly with proven training techniques

to keep him or her as your colorful “best of buds friends” in your


(Friends don’t bite and scream, and they

are hopefully politely potty-trained).

It’s time you easily understand your Parrot’s
simple needs, train him or her with techniques that work honest-to-goodness
wonders, to live the constant, heart warming pleasure of keeping
a Parrot that talks and plays like a
small child, often so funny that they make you laugh to tears…
And avoid the all-too-often tragic nightmare of a “ferocious caged
rat with feathers”.

That was meant to be a funny

exaggeration, but a mean

Parrot that bites hard, or an ear-shattering screamer

that gives you and your neighbors ZERO peace, or even a frightened,

terrified Parrot that sees YOU as

a giant evil monster, is far from funny, and no laughing matter…

We’re talking tears and blood… and it’s

time to stop or prevent this bad behavior for good, or before

it ever happens, and inspire the positive fun behavior, like

talking and tricking… starting today!

Who would put their

Parrot in a closet?

Fortunately, (and unfortunately)

only a small handful of Parrot owners

put their birds in a closet, or some

other unpleasant location, but it happens, more out of ongoing

desperation than cruelty…

No mean punishment will EVER

get your Parrot to snap out of his

“destructive or stubborn spoil-sport ways”… don’t force, you’ll

only make things worse!

There’s a FAR easier, and

an infinitely more effective way to get your bird to behave

and perform… that can literally:

Start The

Talking And Singing… Not just “hello”

… get him to beg and plead for mercy till he gets

his favorite treat… greet you when you walk in the door with

such an upbeat message that your spirits rise, even get him

to sing like a star, and ring like a phone (tricking your friends),

you’ll never know what sort of silliness he’ll say or imitate

next… could be hilarious, and watch out, it could be shockingly



Hilarious Tricks… Amaze your friends and family…

and simply have great fun with your Parrot

(he’ll love it too)… kind of like having an in-house circus


Glow In

Radiant Health … A healthy

Parrot is a happier Parrot, that is far more likely to

behave well. Learn everything you need to know to keep your


shining and bright, avoiding disease and injury.

Stop The Biting…Save your

fingers from painful sharp bites quickly by using a few powerful

training techniques that work outright wonders in less than 15 days,

only 30 minutes a day… you won’t believe it when your bird

hops onto your hand without taking a bad habit snap at your

poor fingers!

Stop The

Screaming… Save your ears, and sanity

from ear-shattering screams… the problem could be just the

position of your Parrot’s cage,

or one of many factors that makes him scream, find out, and

stop this fast.

Stop The

Messy Poops… Can’t stop mother nature, but

you can get your bird to aim better and become potty


Save Your Wallet… from

very costly vet, or personal expert trainer bills… you can do everything regarding training on

your own when you have the right knowledge base.

Save Your

Heart… from breaking, because you know something’s

not right with your Parrot… you

just don’t know what the heck it is…

Understand Your


So Well…

It’s VERY simple common sense… that can give you real results immediately

and amazing results within 15 days or less!

Listen, if you own or want to own a Parrot,
the least you need to do is dedicate 15 minutes a day to this creature.
Make it real quality time that gives you amazing results…

Parrot Secrets™ has the

very simple goal of helping you make your

Parrot happy and healthy, with knowledge

and training techniques that will allow you to achieve this

goal in flying colors!

A happy,

understood, properly

fed, and healthy Parrot will

be nothing short of deep joy, hilarious fun

, and affectionate love within your home…

now, teach your Parrot to talk,

sing, play, snuggle, even do astonishing tricks with ease! Your

happy Parrot

will most likely even surprise you, and do this on his or her


“…Aside from this bird, your training was the smartest

purchase I ever made.”

I have to thank you so much for your training course for

my Parrot JoJo.

I adopted him from someone who abused him terribly. He

had chewed one of his toes off (before I got him 4 months

ago) because he was put on a wet floor that was just washed

with Mr. Clean and not rinsed or dried. He ended up in

the basement of this person’s home with no attention.

His chest & thighs were completely picked apart –

he was naked! The only feathers he had were on his head

& wings.

He was very, very skiddish and would hardly let me put

food in his bowl or give him fruit without wanting to

bite my fingers off. He hardly spoke out of fear. He would

growl like an angry dog waiting for his slab of meat.

After your training course, I cannot believe the trust

i have gained with him. It is incredible. I am now part

of his “flock” and know that he loves me.

He gives me kisses on my cheek, takes showers with me,

he waves, plays games with me, eats dinner with me and

his feathers are coming back! We are now working on his

potty training…..That’s our next endeavor….He even

gets along with my cats and they play together.

I am amazed how fast this training has taken off. I am

more shocked than anything. Nothing else was working,

I listened to what the vet suggested and it just wasn’t

working out.

I cannot thank you enough, and aside from this bird, your

training was the smartest purchase I have ever made. Every

day we learn new things together.

This course in less
than 2 weeks has changed both of our lives… Thank YOU, again!!!

Jennifer Clark,
New Hyde Park, New York, USA

biting attempts, handled in the way you suggest… have dropped

I ordered the training
materials to assist in working with our parrot, who had developed
the habit of ear-piercing shrieking and random biting, hard
enough to draw blood. We were about to find him a new home.

However, your techniques
regarding responding to shrieking episodes have worked. He
is much more calm and playful. His biting attempts,
handled in the way you suggest (moving into the bite) have
dropped considerably, and he is not biting as hard.

Despite owning and
reading two bird books, we were unaware of the accurate information
regarding hours of light he should experience in a day, and
hours of darkness needed, and we have adjusted his schedule.

He is clearly
a more content bird. Thank you.

Terry Clark
Los Gatos, California

I cant believe it! Its already starting to work,… He has
already made a big change”

Wow I cant
believe it! Its already starting to work, today I had D.J.
on my hand, which he would never do, unless I had
a towel on my hand because he would bite me vicously, but
today I tried the thing where you pet him with the sticks
on each side then move closer with my hands and that made
alot of progress, then I had him on my hand, I would let him
bite me then he got really confused so he would then he just

He has already made
a big change, now i can acctually hold and pet him! What
a difference!

Ashley Bratt,
League City, Texas

“…As You Can Imagine This Was Driving Me Crazy… He

Is Now Happier Than Ever.”

I’d first like to tell you just a bit about our Parrot

Dylan.  We never planned to have a bird or indeed

ever even thought about getting one.  However, our

son, Scott, rescued him in a local park with the aid of

a quaver crisp.

Poor little thing was very, very frightened and used to

spend all day literally screaming which as you can imagine

was driving me crazy, right up to the point of wanting

to find him a new home.

Hence I looked on the net and found your training course.

I am glad to say that he has now stopped screaming within

just a few days after I read your course. He is now happier

than ever as we have such a nice long chat with him several

times a day.

He is such an intelligent little bird.  He woolf

whistles, whistles little tunes we have taught him, and

we also ask him every day “are you alright?” to which

he replies “I’m alright are you alright?”! He

is such a star and I am so grateful to have found your information.


In just under 2 weeks I have gone from a quivering, tearful,

frustrated bird rescuer, to the proud owner of Dylan the

Parrot who in his own words is “alright”.

Thank you for your information which has helped

me understand so much more.

Josette Bellham,
Lowestoft, UK

Here are the four ebooks that you

will find in Parrot Secrets™ and the essential

Parrot knowledge you will find in each digital book.


: How to Get Your Parrot To Talk

And Do Astonishing Tricks

Mute as a fish? Discover

the best way to inspire your Parrot

to talk more. (See Page 3)

How to use an under-estimated

“old” powerful training technique that has just been

rediscovered in the Parrot world…

the “Positive Reinforcement Technique”… that will help you

tremendously to teach your Parrot

to say the funniest stuff in front of your friends and family, perhaps

even within a few days or hours! (See

Page 3)…

Discover the 3 easiest words

for your Parrot to learn

that you should consider teaching your Parrot to say first,

before you teach it anything else. It’s likely you will get

far better results if you teach your Parrot

to say these 3 words first before you teach it to say any other

words. See Page 5 to find out what

these 3 words are…

Is it worth persevering when

your Parrot is as silent as a tomb?

(YES!) and how long can it take, if your

Parrot doesn’t talk right away?

(See Page 5)…

One major factor that might prevent

your Parrot from talking… and the simple things that you should do in order to avoid

this. (See Page 6)…

Strategic phone placement tips… Discover why
it can be SO important for you to put your telephone somewhere near
your Parrot’s cage, but be careful…
(See Page 6)…

Training warnings…

Once your Parrot starts talking,

you may have an undesired critic that gets you in hot water,

not a fun chatter! (See Page 6)…

How to use the audio tapes and

CDs that you may already own to teach your

Parrot to speak, and when they are most effective.

(See Page 7)…

Real communication, not just “Bird” talk… How you will be able to amaze your

friends and your family by teaching your

Parrot to say “I want a grape” every time it wants to

have a grape! (See Page 7)…

The 2 special “indicator” ready-to-talk

signs that you need to watch out for in order to know

when your Parrot is ready to begin

learning how to speak. (See Page 9)…

What is the best time of the day to teach your Parrot
to speak? Is it mornings, afternoons or evenings? Many
people get this crucial thing wrong and their Parrots
never learn to speak! (See Page 9 for the
correct answer and why)…

Don’t push it! What is the maximum amount of time
that you should devote to each training session with your Parrot
in order to get the best results? Is it 15 minutes, 30 minutes,
1 hour, or 2 hours? Once again, many Parrot
owners get this crucial step wrong and their
Parrots may never learn to speak!
(See Page 9)…

10 secret TOP Parrot trainer

tips that will help you to teach your

Parrot to talk in 15 days or less!

(See Pages 9,10, and 11)…

Hilarious ongoing conversation… How you can teach your Parrot

to not only say a few words and phrases every now and then,

but also to actually carry on an intelligent conversation with

you for several minutes! Can you imagine the look of sheer astonishment

on the faces of your friends and your family when they see you

doing this? They would have never thought that this was possible!

(See Page 11)…

Warning: Mean Parrot Creator?

A terrible training mistake that you

should stop immediately if you are doing this as it can actually

make your Parrot mean!

(See Page 12)

How to dramatically increase

your Parrot’s vocabulary. Did you know that some Parrots can have a vocabulary of several

hundred words? (See Page 12)….

How to train your

Parrot to do tricks with ease

(See Pages 13 and 14)…

3 fun tricks, “Perch On T-Stand”, “The Wave”, and
“Shake Hands” that you can quickly and easily teach your
to do to start the trick learning process.
(See Pages 13 and 14)…

I have been very pleased. I have read and listened

to everything I can get my hands on to date, and your

course, Parrot Secrets™, has been the most helpful.

It’s critical to begin training a companion Parrot correctly

as soon as possible to avoid future behavioral issues.

A solid knowledge base is key, and your

Parrot Secrets™ course has

helped me with that.

I received your course about a week ago now. I have a

4 1/2 month old bird. To date, Yuri can wave,

do the ‘big eagle’ and best of all…he is potty trained. All of this without any negative reinforcement.

As a bonus, he’s stopped nipping and is thoroughly comfortable

with being handled, even though I did not specifically

address these issues. A very nice bonus of training!!!!

Brooks wrote back a few days later saying:

I’ve gotten another bird since we last corresponded as

well, and in three days she’s step up/down trained, AND she’s

potty trained!

Thanks for the training tips!!!!    

Brooks Conforti
Littleton, Colorado, USA

training course has done a great amount with my
. At first my
wouldn’t even step onto my hand, but with your training course
I was not only able to get him to step onto my hand but I
was also able to teach him how to shake my hand through the

My Parrot now is very friendly towards everybody and looks

forward to getting out of his cage and onto people’s hands.

Stella Lam
Danville, Virginia, USA.

Thank you so much for your training course it has worked

wonders with my Parrot Sam, his talking has improved,

and I am much more confident in handling him and understanding


I would highly recommend
the training course to anyone who owns a Parrot or is thinking of
buying one. The course offers so much help and understanding
with Parrots. I have bought books about Parrots before but
none have been so helpful and easy to understand as your training

I can honestly say that all your hard work and effort

you have put into this training course have benefited

me and my Parrot.

Pauline Chamberlain
Essex, United Kingdom

liked the course I purchased from you.The e- books were very
easy to download and I like how you broke down the categories
so I can go directly to what I need to know. Each category
is easy to understand and very much into detail. My bird has
learned how to wave and he is only 5 months old. We are now
working with shaking hands.

I have a parrot that
is aggressive about his cage and he don’t like to be petted,
so I am using 2 wooden dowels as you talked about so I can
tame him enough to pet him. The e- book on bird health
is GREAT!!! There was so much I didn’t know
about this topic. But having this information makes
me feel that I will keep my babies as healthy as possible.

You need to keep
the e-books coming and I will refer you to anyone that has
birds and would like to become more educated. Thank
you so much for helping me with my birds!

Wanda Bucklew,
Cobbs Creek, Virginia

have had parrots before, and did not really expect much of
them (and to be honest they developed bad habits that drove
me absolutely crazy)! Of course, I want totally eager to get
another when my daughter asked, but after reading your book
I can now see where I went wrong before!

Parrots are actually
very intelligent and friendly pets! My family and
I have applied your “secrets” and we have not only
learned a great deal about the species, but have also had
great results! Our parrot is very much a part of
our family! We have even established a evening routine. Of
course, the kids let him out daily after school, but during
the afternoon/evening routine, is the part I enjoy most.

as we call him, is so affectionate and social I can
hardly believe it! My previous birds flew away from
us, biting us if we ever got too close, but Purple actually
flies to us! He goes from one family member to the next, over
and over (even my “rowdy” 3-year old) and affectionately
“cleans” or “kissing” each of us as he
goes along. He is even attempting to make friends
with our cat!

Thank you for being
interested in your customers! 🙂 I am looking forward to reading
your entire book, because I know there is much more to learn.

Jennifer Calate
Sacramento, California

I have been meaning
to write and let you know how very useful and informative
I found your bird training course. As a first-time Parrot
owner I was impressed with the wealth of information on my
bird’s diet, health and behaviour. The section on interpreting
my bird’s body language was particularly useful as it taught
me to gauge T’wee’s moods and determine how and when to approach
him just by watching what he does.

Prior to reading
the training course, I had only a limited idea of the intelligence,
memory and learning capabilities of parrots. Now my
adolescent bird is talking and singing a blue streak, yawning
every time we say “night-night” to him, and learning
to shake hands. Your course has enabled me and my
family to bring out the best in our bird; we enjoy teaching
and playing with him and are constantly amazed at how quickly
he is able to learn new things using the simple but effective
methods we have learned from your e-book.

I recommend
it to any bird owner who wants the best for their pet

I will read
your course over and over again, it is a great reference guide.

I immediately
purchased your training course for fear of ending up with
an uncontrollable bird. Cheeky did not want to come
to me but ran from me and nipped a little. I started putting
Cheeky with me in the kitchen when I cooked, he sits in an
old colander hanging above my sink, and I also take Cheeky
in the shower with me just to spend some quality time. Much
better and is not so nippy. Cheeky is also starting to try
to talk too. I started with something simple. I make the kissy
sound then say Kiss Kiss.

After the first day,
Cheeky started to try to repeat the word. The kissy sound
is perfect but the words Kiss Kiss still are somewhat scratchy.
I’m sure he will improve. I thouroughly have faith
in your training course and am sure Cheeky will come a long
way. Thanks from Cheeky and I

Ginger L. Wagner
Harleysville, Pennsylvania

I’ve got the info for you. These

are the stunning techniques that stopped even really wild and

mean birds from biting, real life stuff on film, put on paper

in easy to follow steps. They work better and faster than any

other technique I’ve ever seen.

I’ll say it again… they

work better and faster than any other technique I’ve ever seen…

In less than 2 weeks, your

Parrot biting and screaming problems will be dramatically

reduced, perhaps even sooner. And you will also learn how to

PREVENT any such bad behavior from EVER surfacing.

This is a special ebook

that I have permission to share with you when you order, but please don’t hesitate, because I can’t guarantee for how

long the author will allow me to share this info with you before

he decides to sell it himself exclusively.


: “How To Get My Parrot To Love Me”


at what’s inside…

Discover this expert bird training author’s personal favorite solution on how to fix

your Parrot’s behavioral problems,

that your

Parrot will LOVE!

(See Page 1)…

Watch the amount of light

your Parrot gets…

Exactly how many hours of sunlight should your

Parrot get every day? Giving it more than the recommended

number of hours of sunlight can make your

Parrot start screaming! Right now, you could very

well be unknowingly giving your Parrot

much more sunlight than what it should be getting! (

See Page 6)…

Does your

Parrot scream? Or are you afraid that your


might start screaming in the future? Find out more about

a brilliant new technique to prevent your

Parrot from screaming. You will also read about a

real-life case study in which a bird that used to regularly

scream upwards of 45 minutes at a stretch every day was

trained to stop screaming altogether!

(See Page 6)

How should you react to

a screaming Parrot?…

see the most common mistakes most Parrot

owners make that only make this worse!

(see Page 7)

How to cure the habit of

screaming in already pampered and spoiled

Parrots. (See Page 7)…

How to figure out the exact

reason as to why your Parrot

is biting you (See Pages


The key to training a Parrot
to stop biting is to figure out why it has the habit of biting
in the first place. If you have figured that out, you have already
won half the battle.

Pages 8-10 of

this book will give you a step-by-step scientifically proven

process by which you can determine why your

Parrot bites you.

How to permanently

stop your Parrot from biting, once you have figured out why it bites…

(See Pages 8-13)…

How to cure the habit

of biting in pampered and spoiled Parrots (See Pages 10-13)…

If you have a baby

Parrot, you could be rightly worried that it may start biting

when it grows older, even though you spend a lot

of time with it. Find out how to ensure that your baby

Parrot will never bite once it grows older…

(See Page 8)

Powerful real-life biting case study…The famous real-life story

and case study of how the author got an extremely aggressive bird who used to fiercely bite anyone who came near it

to not only stop biting altogether but also to actually

lie on its back to be cuddled by humans and enjoy being

pet on its tummy! If your Parrot

bites you, you can implement the same secret and closely guarded

techniques to not only stop it from biting, but also to actually

WANT to be pet by you! No Parrot

owner who cares even a bit about his/her

Parrot can afford to miss this famous case study!


Page 9)…

Important tips to help

you recognize biting tendencies coming from natural breeding

desires, and how you should handle your

Parrot when it is in breeding mode.

(See Page 9)…

Discover a surprisingly

powerful but extremely simple strategy to stop biting

in smaller Parrots, or bigger Parrots that aren’t breaking

the skin. Learn how the author got another bird who had

the habit of biting him every time he wanted to have him

step up onto his finger to stop biting him in just 2 weeks

flat (and how YOU can too)! (See Page


What if your

Parrot bites extremely hard? Learn a break-through

technique called “perching” to stop your

Parrot from biting… developed by the author that

is hands down the BEST method and even allows you to tame

your Parrot without getting

bitten once! (See Page 11)…

Important tips on where

your Parrot should be in relation

to you while you are training it.

(See Page 11)…

Discover the best place

in your house to train your Parrot

most effectively. (See Page


Learn where exactly

in your home you should put your Parrot’s cage. This crucial decision can make or break

your relationship with your Parrot

and can determine whether your Parrot

is healthy and playful or lonely and depressed!

(See Pages 1-2)

Important cage placement

details…Once you have determined which room to

put your Parrot’s cage in, where

should you put the cage – in the center of the room, or in

one of the corners? This will determine whether your

Parrot is friendly and good-natured or fierce and aggressive.

The correct answer will definitely surprise you!

(See Page 2 for the correct answer)…

Discover the truth… cage

near a window? A lot of Parrot

owners put their Parrot’s cage

beside a window. Is that a good idea and should you do the

same? (See Page 2)…

Should you put your

Parrot’s cage on the ground or should you put it higher up in the

air? (See Page 2 for the answer)…

How many toys should

you put in your Parrot’s cage? (See Page 3) …

3 simple toys that

your Parrot will absolutely LOVE!

(See Page 3)…

Shower frequency

and feather plucking … Do you know exactly how

many times a week your Parrot

needs to have a bath during the summer? During the winter? Lack

of attention here can cause your Parrot

to start plucking its feathers! (See

Page 3 to find out the correct answer)…

3 very important

benefits and tips to consider while bathing your

Parrot… (See Page


How to control your

Parrot’s adolescent behavior (See

Page 5)…

The best way to deal

with changes in your Parrot’s

attitude and behavior once it starts to mature

(See Page 5)…

The only correct way of handling your
when it is in breeding mode (See
Page 5 and Page 9)…

My husband and
I have started taking showers with our bird named Cosmo.
He absolutely LOVES it and I would never have tried without
reading your book. His screeching and screaming (which
is the reason I purchased her e-book) has also died down
considerably. We leave the room completely and go back
in and praise him when he stops. We have also learned
that remaining calm and speaking softly to him but not
leaving our seats until he stops works remarkably well
as well.

you so much for putting you ideas in writing! He is so
much more enjoyable (in his adolescent years)! 🙂
Thanks – Terry & Renée St. John

St. John
Norway, Maine

I had the opportunity to be able to use your training
on my new parrot and I’m very satisfied with the results
I’m getting. I started the course by reading the material
on Getting your bird to love you and which bird to buy.
To be honest the bird was kind of shy when she came home
about 1 week ago and she was biting my fingers, so I did
as you have said to let her bite them and now what she
does is that she bites them so soft because she wants
me to touch her head with them. She enjoys to
be pet.

I’m trying also
the part that you teach us how to feed your bird in low
quantities so that’s the next step I’ll take. My bird
is 4 months old and in the next few days I’ll read the
other materials on training her to play games, etc…
For now I’m happy to get the response I’m getting from
my new friend Paulita Margarita. Thank you very

Eduardo Aguirre
Sunrise, Florida

After reading
Secrets, my parrot only being here for a few weeks are
playing on their homemade wall mounted jungle gym, making
their way back to their cage when hungry and thirsty,
taking rides on our fingers (even my 4 year old). As I
speak to them, I can see direct eye contact, their eyes
just light up, we can tell that they are concentrating
intently on what we are saying. Though their flying feathers
have not come back completely, they are still starting
to venture around the house despite the other household
pets who watch them, and almost appear to protect them.

This book puts
its ideas into terms that you can understand, many things
not thought of by the general population such as bathing,
preventing illness, trying fresh food snacks and links
to where you can buy supplies. There are useful
tips about cage placement, ideas on how to make your bird
comfortable and happy in any location and definite direction

I would reccmmend
this book to anyone interested in learning more about
having birds as house pets of any breed.

Brenda A. La Platte
Jupiter, Florida

I just
loved the training course. I adopted a parrot
2 years ago and have not been able to train he at all.
In his last home he did not have much attention so I have
been struggling with bitting and screaming for sometime.

I have been doing
the techniques in your course now for about 2 weeks and
screaming is less and I am able to hold cocoa. He comes
out of his cage and walks the floor to find me.

This course has
helped us a lot, to have a nice companion for my family.
Cocoa has even calmed down enough to let my youngest of
5 children (1 1/2 year old) pet him with supervision of
course. Very nice! I thank you so much for the
time and effort.

Christine Donelly
Feasterville, Pennsylvania

I love the course,
I have two parrots. There was so much Information that
seems to work for both of them. I would strongly recommend
this training course for anyone who wants a great
deal and fantastic customer service. I like the
fact that I am not forgotten after the sale and you still
send me all kinds of new articles as well as training
ideas. Thank you

Richard Lupyak
Fayetteville, North Carolina

The very important

optimal Parrot training diet

… How to determine exactly how much food you should give

your Parrot and what kinds, while

training it for the best results, all the while making your

bird even healthier…(See Page 14)…


: A Happy Parrot Diet…

Important Tips And Warnings


is the most common reason for Parrot


A shiny, smart Parrot tip

…How you can turn your Parrot into a glossy-looking, intelligent

and bright bird just by modifying its diet (See

Page 3)…

11 secret psychological tricks (currently known only

by the TOP experts in this field) you can use to persuade and

convince your Parrot to try a new

and improved diet rich in nutrients even if your bird is extremely reluctant to shift to the new diet!

(See Pages 5 and 6)…

Too many seeds? What is the maximum percentage of

your Parrot’s diet that should be composed

of seeds? If you exceed this percentage, it can have really harmful

consequences for the health of your bird!

(See Page 6 for the answer)…

Give ’em power veggies! What are the 2 vegetables that

MUST be included in your Parrot’s

diet? (See Page 7)…

Healthy fun variety…Discover the proper amounts of

different food items that your bird should eat. (See

Page 8)…

Not enough, or too much protein? The optimum percentage

of your Parrot’s diet that should

be composed of proteins is 20%, read some tips to help you raise

or cut back on your Parrot’s protein

level to avoid future health problems… (See

Page 8)…

The most common bird nourishment problem… What is

the optimum percentage of your Parrot’s

diet that should be composed of Vitamin A? And what are the foods

that best supply this critical vitamin?

(See Page 8)…

Your Parrot goes crazy for these

fruits and veggies… The 25 different fruits and vegetables

that your Parrot will love and that

are also extremely good for its health! (See Page 9)

The 9 most important diet switching tips that you MUST

keep in mind when you are transferring your Parrot

from its current diet to a more balanced and healthy diet.

(See Pages 10 and 11)…

A secret “beak-watering” Parrot

recipe that is also nourishing and excellent for your bird’s health! Your Parrot will LOVE you for this sumptuous

bird treat! (See Page 12 for complete


Parrot digestion secrets…

Which specific fruits and vegetables help your Parrot in digestion

(See Pages 14 and 15)…

The 4 most important food preparation rules that you

must follow when you are preparing your Parrot’s food – not following all 4 of these rules can have serious

consequences for your bird’s long-term health!

(See Pages 16 and 17)…

The 11 food items that you should NEVER – ever give to your
under any circumstances. A lot of
owners give these food items to their birds without realizing
that they are seriously affecting their birds’ health. Read Page
18 of this book to find out whether you are making the same

I have
found all of your training course very useful.

Indeed, after
one day of trying your methods our bird, named Morgan, was
saying “hello”.

Now after having
him for about 5 weeks he is saying all sorts of things including
his name and his favourite at the moment “night night”!

We love him to
bits. The methods we have tried are as in your course
i.e. Repetition and Association. Morgan easily
picks up sounds and phrases and loves to whistle. We spend
as much time as possible with Morgan when we are not at
work and he is always eager to get out of his cage onto
his perch, at first we could not get him out but we put
his perch near his cage and after a while he realised he
was coming out and is now very noisy if we don’t let him
out within minutes of arriving home.

The book
about interpreting Parrot body language was very useful
to us because we now know when he is happy and when he is

your information about Parrot diets was very interesting
because we now know what to give him and what not to give

the book on biting was excellent, it makes very
interesting reading and in fact we used the methods in this
book to stop Morgan from biting us when we first got him.

I am more
than pleased to have spent my money on this training course
and associated parts because it has been very helpful to
my family in starting to train Morgan.

Leslie J Sharples
Northampton, United Kingdom

I have
really benefitted from your training course. Sherlock,
my Parrot, is extremely intelligent. He not only can immitate
voices, sounds, words, sentences, etc, he understands concepts.
He knows when it’s time to go to work or church, he knows
when it’s clean-up time, and he can have full conversations
with himself that make sense.

However, I was
not successful in getting him to respond to my questions,
requests, etc. when I wanted him to. He gives our English
Springer Spaniel different commands such as: Zoe, come,
sit, shake, down and so on. He praises her as well. Of course,
he only does this when he feels like it.

After receiveing
your course of study, I realized how wrongly I was trying
to train Sherlock. Today, he finally responded
correctly when I made my request to count, and he received
a treat and praise as a reward. We are on our way to successful

Another problem
I have, is that Sherlock makes a beeping sound every time
I sit down to eat. He expects to get some of my supper.
Your course has helped me to start correcting that problem.
He is starting to realize that he only gets some pasta (which
he loves) or other treat, when he is quiet or responds to
my requests.

to your course, I now have the proper techniques to train
Sherlock to do what I want him to, when I want him to.

Thanks for your
dedication to training birds, and for your concern with
each one of your students. I imagine that your other students
are as appreciative as I am. Thanks, again!

Ethel Sherman
Lykens, Pennsylvania

I have had my
Parrot, Dooney for 1 month today. After bringing her(I think
it’s a her) home for the bird store she was the sweetest
little bird going but after one day on top of her cage by
herself, she turned into the devil bird.

I came home from
work after having left her out of her cage (cause she likes
being out) and when I approached her she turned into a lunging,
biting devil bird. She tried to bite me and everyone in
the family. She did manage to bite me. I absolutely panicked
and called my son to see if something had happened when
I wasn’t home that could have caused this. He said no.

I thought I had
screwed up but I found your training course and immediately

Now after learning
that she was controlling me and everyone around her, I
am back in control by using your tips. She did
try to bite me this morning and I let her know she wasn’t
the boss.

It’s funny because
you can look at her facial expressions and see that she
is trying to figure out what she can get away with and when
she’ll be in trouble. After reading your training and learning
how to put myself in control, she doesn’t generally try
to bite me but she’ll try to push my hand away with her

That tells me that
she is communicating with me but doesn’t feel the urge to
bite me.

Marcy Mason


: How To Choose Your

First Parrot Wisely…

Tips And Warnings


#1 most important “buyers rule” that you need to keep

in mind when you buy your Parrot. (See Page 9)

The #1 catastrophic “buyer” mistake that
first time Parrot owners make when they buy a Parrot… and how
you can easily avoid making this mistake. (See
Page 9)…

The 5 different types of sellers where
you can buy a Parrot… and how to choose which place is the best
for YOU. (See Pages 10 and 11)…

Effective research tips… How to research
before deciding on getting a Parrot (See Page


4 crucial “store” questions that you must ask any store

from which you buy your Parrot (See Pages 16 and 17)

I think
your training course is wonderful.

I have had my
new companion “Angel Pie” for about three months now and
she is already etched on my heart. My cat Brittany (Himalayan
Persian – 14 years old) loves her too!

I applied
your techniques to stop my bird from biting the first day
I got your info and she was almost completely cured of that
habit within a week – and within two weeks – no more biting.
Now she only gives little “love” bites.

you for delivering the goods that work!

Kimberly Olson
Fort Worth, Texas, USA

Your training
course is WONDERFUL! I learned so much from all
of it. The food section has changed the way my parrot eats
and with little resistance. The sleep section (on hours
of light) was something I did not know,within a few days
my Jac-ee was a different bird! The age definitions totally
explained why Jac-ee acts like a sometimes bratty teenager.
I cannot say enough about all that I learned from your course,
and Jac-ee too! We are “high four-ing” now! Thank
You Thank You Thank You.

I will
read your course over and over again, it is a great reference

Linda Kleist
Arvada, Colorado

We was quite excited
to find your website and once we began receiving the instructional
emails we had to know more so we ordered your ebook. My
husband and I absolutely loved it! We are first time bird
owners and have purchased a parrot (Mr. Grey) as a handfed
baby and another parrot (P.J.) as an adolescent (which has
some undesirable personality traits). We we doing
several things absolutely wrong and your book made absolute
sense! We we trying to train our birds
the way we do our dogs!

WRONG! We now have
faith that with your guidance we can rear Mr. Grey properly
and correct P.J.’s behavior and be able to provide them
a permanent loving home.

Gala Payne
Portage, Indiana

received my training course and I have worked with my birds
for a couple of weeks, and I can see a big difference
in them.

want to thank you for the training course it has made my
life a lot easier and my fingers are not sore all the time
from my birds always biting – the biting has been reduced
approx. eighty percent and I am so proud of my birds.

B. Coulter,
Crestwood, Kentucky, USA

product has made me more knowledgeable about my bird.

I have
started working with my pet and I am already starting to
see improvements. Your product is excellent.

Sasheen Maharaj
South Africa

I thought it was
extremely informative. It helped me and my 2 new birds bond.
It showed me not to be scared of them and how to handle
them properly. They did bite me at first but, I read in
the e-book what to look for and it really works. They are
easier to handle and play with now. I am very glad I bought
the e-book.

I am very skeptical
of on-line products. The transaction was very secure,
I am very pleased with the e-book. By the way,
this was the first e-book I have ever bought. It was very
easy to download. I am a satisfied customer.

for your helpful information.

Donna Lonsiak

I found your parrot
training courses easy to understand and follow. With a little
patience and good humor, you can follow Nathalie’s information
and train your bird to be a wonderful, life-long companion.
My bird Sapphire is screaming less and I’m enjoying
her more. What more could you ask?

Bill Tanner
Los Angelas, California

…that I guarantee you won’t find anywhere else

on the Internet… for FREE!

All you need

to do to get these wonderful secrets is…

Sign up for your…

* FREE Parrot Secrets™ Newsletter!

1) Just enter

your first name, last name and email address in the boxes

below and

2) Click on

the Subscribe button to subscribe to the newsletter.

That’s it!

Important: Before clicking on the Subscribe

button, please double-check your email address to make

sure it is correct.

Privacy Policy: Your email address is

100% safe with me. I’ll NEVER ever spam you or send junk email to you. That’s

a promise! I can’t stand it when others do it to me…

so rest assured. Oh, and you will have the option to unsubscribe

on every email I send you.

The real

question is: How much are you willing to spend to have

a happier, healthier, playful, well

behaved, and more affectionate Parrot

sharing the intimacy of your home with you, your family, and



not much until you have a serious problem…

I guarantee you,

as soon as something starts going wrong, or your

Parrot starts misbehaving, or gets ill, then it really

does become a serious issue, perhaps even VERY costly in both

time and money for you to resolve the problem or inconvenience.

As you might have already experienced, the emotional attachment
between a Parrot owner and his or her
Parrot, can be VERY INTENSE, and you’ll
do just about ANYTHING to solve the problem, as quickly and happily
as possible.

My sincere desire

is to help you and your Parrot find

more joy through very helpful knowledge that ALL Parrot

owners should have when they take on the BIG responsibility

of caring for a delicate living creature…

You don’t want

to be the unwitting cause of unnecessary suffering…

To make sure this

ebook set is picked up by as many Parrot

owners or future Parrot owners as possible, I have made a radical


See more details below.


How To Keep Your Parrot

Radiantly Healthy And Avoid Disease

Know the 9 major diseases that can affect your Parrot

… and the crucial symptoms you need to watch

out for in order to detect these illnesses before

they can become serious. (See

Pages 3, 4, 5 and 6)…

Young Parrot disease…

Polyomavirus affects young Parrots… and what you can do to prevent your

Parrot from getting affected by this disease

(See Page 4)…

The 10 most common injuries that can affect your Parrot… and what you can do to protect your

Parrot from them. (See

Pages 7, 8 and 9)…

Those first crucial 2 weeks… Why the first 2

weeks after you bring your Parrot

home are absolutely crucial for the development of

a healthy relationship between you and your

Parrot, and what you should do during the

first 2 weeks in order to build rapport with your bird (See Page 10)

5 Critical Longevity Tips… The 5 crucial things that you must learn

about your Parrot in order

to ensure that it has a long and healthy life.

(See Page 10)…

One expert Parrot owner health

tip: One essential health food item that you

should include in your Parrot’s diet that will not only give it a shiny, gorgeous

plumage but also make it far more intelligent!

(See Page 11)…

Alternative medicine for Parrots? Did you know

that the Japanese technique of Reiki and the Chinese technique

of Acupuncture can benefit not only humans but also

Parrots? Not to mention homeopathic remedies, even

aromatherapy! Find out how you can use alternative

medicine to cure your Parrot’s illnesses or mood swings!

(Pages 11 – 12)

As this site develops it will become a monthly payment

subscription site, but if you purchase now, we will

give you a FREE “early bird” membership for life,

as an early contributor that adds value to this important

Parrot resource site.


need of emergency advice for your Parrot?

Come ask in the members only forum, and you will

almost certainly get a prompt and very helpful response

from another Parrot owner

who has already been there in your shoes before you.

Fast answers to important questions…Get

immediate access to many questions that have already been

asked, and the very helpful answers that followed.


other like-minded Parrot

fanatics (once these little fun-filled feathered

guys get in your heart, you can’t help but become fanatical

towards them!), and develop lasting friendships, through

mutual support and sharing.


and share the coolest and funniest new

Parrot tricks and outrageous real-life stories

Make this very small monetary investment now, both for your

Parrot’s sake and for you too!… you won’t regret it!

You’ll start seeing positive results immediately once you apply

the professional yet simple Parrot

training techniques shared in these ebooks.

No need to search further, wasting precious time … make your

Parrot happier right now, with all the comprehensive

info you need at one low price.

You won’t find so much helpful Parrot

knowledge all gathered into one place, and at one low price, ANYWHERE!

Well, you have absolutely nothing to lose as I’ll take all your risk!…

100% Money Back Guarantee

Take 56 days to read through
all the material. If you are not satisfied with the helpful
knowledge shared in my book, just contact me during that
time, and I will promptly return your money, no questions


Here’s how it works to Order And Download

Parrot Secrets™ IMMEDIATELY:(Yes!

Even at 3 a.m.)

You’ll Get:

BOOK ONE: How to Get Your Parrot To Talk and Do

Astonishing Tricks

BOOK TWO: How To Get

My Parrot To Love Me -(Fix your Parrot’s

behavioral problems – Biting, Screaming, etc… with expert

Parrot training info).

BOOK THREE : A Happy Parrot Diet…

Important Tips And Warnings


Choose Your First Parrot Wisely… Tips

And Warnings

SPECIAL BONUS #1 eBOOK: How To Keep Your Parrot

Radiantly Healthy

SPECIAL BONUS #2 “Parrot Secrets™

Members Only Site, UNLIMITED FREE Use”

Please Note: Parrot Secrets™

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that you can be reading in minutes, nothing is shipped,

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Copyright (c) 2005 – 2007 Nathalie Roberts
1901 60th Place E. Suite L4484, Bradenton, Florida, 34203, USA


P.S. You may be

inadvertently encouraging your Parrot’s bad behavior, don’t you think you owe it to yourself

and your Parrot to find out? Your

Parrot really will love you more for this… it’s

natural, any living being that feels understood, well cared for,

and safe, will spontaneously give back such love.

Click Here To Order And Download Now On A Secure Server

Copyright (c) 2005 – 2007 Nathalie Roberts
1901 60th Place E. Suite L4484, Bradenton, Florida, 34203, USA

@ Click

I’m a stranger to downloading E-books and was a little worried
if I was doing the right thing… but I finally made
up my mind… What did I have to lose?

Even the
price you were asking was not going to break the Bank… it
has to be worth it I thought …

Boy! was I sensible… It was more than worth it!…

your book or should I say books was so simple that I didn’t
believe that they had downloaded… Sure enough there they
were… so quick… so simple… so worthwhile.

I found your information extremely valuable. Plus…this
is a BIG plus…your enthusiasm in your writing is overwhelming…
This straight forward… no nonsense composite guide has to
be one of the best reads I’ve encountered on the well being
and upkeep, plus easy training techniques on Parrots… and
I’ve read loads believe me.

If you
own a Parrot and are reading this and are in any doubt…
like I was …then think it over and ask yourself will this
book make a difference… a real difference? Can the training
work for me and my Parrot… will we really find it that easy?…

and Yes is the answer…

United Kingdom

I have
found that the best part of your course is in the educating
yourself on behalf of your bird and learning why they do what
they do. You also stress the part of spending quality time
and the placing of your bird in the house where they can see
and hear you.

We have
an eight month old parrot and already it is spoiled and thinks
it is and has always been a part of the family. I
can’t remember having so much fun. Gracie jumps down
off her perch and wonders through the house looking for me
if I stay old, her vocabulary is amazing. She rattles on for
45 minutes at a time. She is constantly learning new
words and phrases.

I believe
it is because where I read that you should spend quality time
with them and become their friend. She has bonded with both
my wife and me and either one of can and does feed and baths
her. She likes to sit on my shoulder and watch t.v. while
i feed her sun flower seeds.She has from spending time, learned
to trust me and I am sure that I now have been adopted as
part of her flock.

up the good work and if you come up with new stuff let me

Brian Adams
Jackson, Ohio

I am writing
back about your training course. My husband and i have been
reading and searching for the right bird for us we have actually
decided to go with a parrot at petsmart in burnsville minnesota.

we have spent alot of time looking, holding, and playing with
all different birds. I have read some of your training course
and it has helped minumize alot if pet stores that dont take
care of there birds properly.

am very glad we purchased your training couse and i believe
it will help us in the long run with our dusky.

Farmington, Minnesota

With regard your
training course my comments are as follows:

I wish I had got
your course before getting my parrot. I found I was really
struggling with my parrot as he would only allow me to touch

Since sharing your
course with the whole family, we have progressed to the level
where my wife can now pick him up and take him around the
house, in fact he now even follows her even when I’m in the
room. He is far more tolerant of the children (5 & 7 Yrs)and
has now really become the family bird, not just mine.

The e-books
on diet and health were very informative and helpful.
You also provide insight on maintaing your parrot, after reading
this I was horrified at how my birds wing had been clipped.
On the whole your course was worth every cent, and my family
and my self refer back to it continually. Potty training was
also helpful and we are halfway there with having our bird
potty trained.

Frank Rawson
Laezonia, South Africa

I invested in your
training course after purchasing a young female parrot. She
was hand fed as a baby, but then the pet store made the mistake
of putting her back in a cage with her siblings. She had become
hostile and fearful of humans, and the pet store employees
had nicknamed her “Jaws” because of her defensive
biting when they caught her with their hands.

I’m a counselor,
so I love a challenge, and I felt a bond when the little creature
cuddled under my flannel shirt. I tood her home and named
her M

The course
was helpful, especially the chapter on problem behaviors and
how to get your parrot to love you. In no time, she
was stepping up onto a wooden perch, and she has not seriously
bitten me now in about 3 weeks. To the contrary, she skitters
to the end of the wood perch I use to Step Up, and cuddles
in the hollow of my hand inisisting I rub her head and neck.
It’s pretty amazing. It was also helpful to know which fruits
and veggies I can safely feed my bird.

I find a parrot
the perfect bird for a middle aged professional who works
long hours at the office. Her life expectancy does not exceed
mine, which is one less worry.

Her playpen is small
enough to sit on the end table next to my recliner while I
read or watch TV, allowing us daily time together. They naturally
like to hide in pockets and shirts, which makes them adorable
and convenient

Steve Warner
Montrose, Colorado

Your training course
was of immense help to me. Even with limited time due to two
new babies in the house – one of the bird variety and one
of the human variety, I have seen a dramatic change in the
way that my parrot interacts with me and my husband.

I was concerned when
we first bought him as he was showing an extreme level of
nervousness and aloofness as birds tend to do, however I beleive
it is your program that has trained us to interact with our
new baby.

Thank you
so much for your insight and practical tips. I will
not hesitate to recommend your training program to any bird

Diane Ponsen
Newcastle, Australia

I haven’t actually
completed reading the entire course material, however, what
I will say is that what I have read, I have learned from.
My children and I are the proud owners of three lovely colourful
birds (Ohla, Beeker & Baby Blue). Ohla had a tendency
to bite my two year old daughter who enjoys walking around
with all three on her shoulders or in her hair (the biting
has stopped). Once and a while she tries, but we follow what
you recommend and it doesn’t occur for long periods of time
after that.

My thirteen year
old takes showers with all three of them and it completely
calms them down. We never knew you could! They really
enjoy their showertime. Baby Blue is now sticking
her entire head into the water reservoir, which she never
did before beginning her shower regime.

My son who is eleven
takes part in their development as well, so the whole family
is really enjoying these little creatures. They don’t just
remain in their cage.

Your material
is easy to read for everyone and simple to follow.
We’re happy we found you on the internet. My two year old
daughter also likes to have them on the edge of the tub when
she takes her bath and they are happy to stay there!

Thanks for
the tips, they sure have helped.

Cheryl Ann
Chambly, Quebec

I was really depressed
because I got sick and had to retire early.I bought a parrot
which I named “chi-chi”.He was scared to death of
me at first until I purchased your course.Now he is tamed
and knows I am his other “Daddy”.He is a
very happy bird.Sings “All’ day long!He has added to
my life richly.Due to your course I was able to bring Much
“Joy”to his life as he brings to our home Thank

Jesus Espinosa
Mesa, Arizona

am thrilled with your parrot training course.
Your knowledge and understanding of these beautiful creatures
is extraordinary.

I am a
studio musician and producer, well known for playing the guitar
on such shows as Seinfeld and Married With Children as well
as being a member of the grammy award winning musical act
Manhattan Transfer, Jean Luc Ponty and rocker Bryan Adams.

I have
a parrot named Renge. He loves to accompany me in he car,
in the recording studio and even for a ride on my scooter.
Although I have to use a leash on the scooter, your course
has helped me build a relationship with him, so he can be
free around the house as well as the recording studio.

After 6
days with your course, Renge who was already murmuring some
words, is clearly saying Peekaboo, Baby Bird, Cmon, and Goodnite.
he doesn’t yet do it on command ,but we are working on it.
I am also working on the response to my questions exercise
that you mention in your great book.

chapter on nutrition and feeding has opened a world of new
foods for him to enjoy. I had been feeding him only
“pretty bird” conure food and a piece of apple each
day. Now he enjoys fruits and veggies, pasta, and I’ve even
taken him to a couple of restaurants where he shares for example
..rice at the Mexican restaurant.
there is much fun work to do thanks to your
Secrets and I intend to get good at this, as he gets better
and better.

This past
week there was a bird feeder making class at the HUTCHINGS
MUSEUM in Lehi Utah. I was invited to bring Renge, and the
20 or so children loved him. The museum upon hearing that
it was Renge’s birthday on May 1st (he will be 1 year) has
offered the museum for his birthday party. Now if that isn’t
a testament to him and your training methods, i don’t know
what is.
Thank you

Jamie Glaser

Provo, Utah

do I start about your training course, first I have been involved
with avians of all sorts but particularly parrots since I
was 8 years old… dating myself that would be 37 years. I
have always been to many bird seminars & I have tried
to read everything I can get my hands on about information
that I had not previously learned about or read elsewhere.

I had for
the most part been a parrot person. Your course has been especially
helpful in getting my parrot, Gabby started on her speech,
in less than 2 weeks she now says ”
Hi Gabby, Hello, Love you too & Gabby like?” I couldn’t
believe how quickly she started & how soon she perfected
the words, she speaks very clearly.

We are
currently working on some trick ideas, as my daughter wants
to be on “Pet Stars” and is determined to take Gabby
to Hollywood.

I have
shared some of your information on the biting & screaming
issues with a dear friend of mine (although I advised her
to purchase them for herself, which I believe she did), whom
rescued a Double yellow head, who had all his negitive behaviors
reinforced by his previous owners. She is reporting no blood
draw for over a week, and the screaming stops with just a
little “flock whistle” when she leaves the room.

So I must
thank you so much for myself, as well as my girlfriend she
was really getting close to the end which would’ve meant I
would have inherrited her bird & I am really quite content
at the moment with my pet numbers, so thank you again for
saving me from adopting one more parrot in need of reform,
by helping my girlfriend through your training courses, to
gain confidence, be able to read his body language & get
the upper hand back.

you so much for your courses they are wonderful, and anyone
thinking of getting a parrot should purchase them as well
as anyone currently sharing their life with a parrot or parrots.

Snyder Oyen
Novato, California

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Secrets™ today!

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